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October 14 - October 28, 2016
Sara Mihm's avatar

Sara Mihm

Multnomah County Community Team

""Don't do nothing just because you can't do everything. Do something. Anything!" -Colleen Patrick-Goudreau"


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  • 626 TOTAL

participant impact

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Sara's actions


Volunteer in my Community

I will volunteer 8 hour(s) in my community.



Needs vs. Wants

I will adopt a "Needs Vs. Wants" approach and only buy things I need.



De-Clutter my Home

I will de-clutter, clean, and donate or recycle unneeded items in my home.



Fix Leaky Faucets

I will fix faucets that have been wasting up to 9 gallons (34 L) of water per faucet per day.



Collect Rain Water

I will create a rain garden or bioswale, or use rain barrels to collect water for outdoor watering needs.


Participant Feed

Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • Sara Mihm's avatar
    Sara Mihm 10/28/2016 1:15 PM
    In the last two weeks, I didn't buy a single thing that I didn't need. It feels amazing! This is a big shift for me that has been coming for quite some time and this year's EcoChallenge was exactly what I needed. The impacts are incredible in every imaginable way: More money saved, less stuff to store, more time to spend with loved ones, less impact on Earth for the resources used to extract/manufacture/package/transport/use/maintain, and more focus on the beauty of experiences. Sigh. This has been a good one! :-)

  • Sara Mihm's avatar
    Sara Mihm 10/14/2016 5:32 PM
    Day 1 is off to a great start. I didn't make any purchases I didn't need... because I didn't make any purchases at all! Let's hope this mindset carries me into tomorrow when I'll be out with my mom, post-activity. We're volunteering with some MultCo rock stars out at SnowCap Charities in the AM!

  • Sara Mihm's avatar
    Sara Mihm 10/14/2016 12:35 AM
    WOOHOO!!! Day 1 of EcoChallenge is finally here!!!

  • Sara Mihm's avatar
    Sara Mihm 10/02/2016 9:26 PM
    My partner is already making my EcoChallenge efforts easier. He installed several faucet aerators on the sinks in our home and already we're saving water each time we use water. Way to go, h2o!

  • Sara Mihm's avatar
    Sara Mihm 9/27/2016 2:57 PM
    Trash is out of site, out of mind. What would happen if you carried your trash with you instead of discarding it? Check out what this guy is doing for one full month:

  • Sara Mihm's avatar
    Sara Mihm 9/20/2016 2:43 PM
    Welcome, MultCo Eco Auditors! Seven new EcoChallengers from the Auditor's Office signed up in one day.

    • Steve March's avatar
      Steve March 9/20/2016 2:52 PM
      I'm not getting that high off the ground without an airplane

  • Sara Mihm's avatar
    Sara Mihm 9/19/2016 11:04 AM
    Hello, new towel friend! Goodbye, single use paper products!  

    • Julie Gilbertson's avatar
      Julie Gilbertson 10/14/2016 4:59 PM
      Feeling inspired by your photo so we've brought a few hand towels and cloth napkins to use during the challenge and beyond!

  • Sara Mihm's avatar
    Sara Mihm 9/14/2016 10:10 AM
    Inspiration of the day: At work, I use paper towels to dry my hands post-wash. Today, it dawned on me that I can bring a towel from home and take it with me when I know I'm going to be washing my hands to avoid the disposable, single-use waste. Does anyone do this?

    • Sara Mihm's avatar
      Sara Mihm 9/20/2016 2:44 PM
      Great idea, Kate!! Inspiring.

    • Kate Rood's avatar
      Kate Rood 9/14/2016 4:37 PM
      I do that -- I have two hand towels at work. One for hand drying and one for drying my dishes that I keep to use at work.

  • Sara Mihm's avatar
    Sara Mihm 9/09/2016 12:08 PM
    MultCo's Office of Sustainability and Green Team ERG are planning a series of Lunch and Learn events at different MultCo facilities, as well as volunteer opportunities. Are there any topics (green cleaning, composting, etc.) that you'd like us to consider for these events?

  • Sara Mihm's avatar
    Sara Mihm 9/06/2016 10:25 AM
    Happy Tuesday, EcoChallengers! Now is the time to think about creating your own team with your officemates, lunch buddies, etc. We sent out the attached flyer to several sustainability groups at MultCo on Friday, encouraging folks to think about starting their own teams -- and even entering into a friendly competition with one another! Please help spread the word by printing out this flyer and posting in your building, break rooms, and near elevators. Thank you, All, for helping share EcoChallenge goodness!