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October 14 - October 28, 2016
Amber Lesly's avatar

Amber Lesly

PCC Rock Creek ESR 141


  • 0 TODAY
  • 221 TOTAL

participant impact

  • UP TO
    not spent in front of a screen

Amber's actions


Buy from a Farmers Market

I will purchase produce and meat from a local farmers market or food co-op.



Less Screen Time

I will replace 30 minute(s) of screen time per day with other activities.



Turn it off

I will keep lights, electronics, and appliances turned off when not using them.




I will write down three things every day for two weeks that I am grateful for or send one email every day thanking or praising someone.



Keep a Nature Journal

I will journal each day about my experiences in nature.


Participant Feed

Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • Amber Lesly's avatar
    Amber Lesly 10/19/2016 11:46 AM
    Today, the natural light is lighting my room as I do homework. In order to get away from screens, electronics, and monitors, I hope to go to a nearby park for a nice walk since it isn't absolutely freezing outside. It's a beautiful day and the sun is still trying to push through the clouds which should give all of us some motivation to push through any "clouds" that might be blocking our own individual "light". 

  • Amber Lesly's avatar
    Amber Lesly 10/17/2016 6:33 PM
    Due to being ill and super sore, I didn't actually do much without screen time today besides work, eat, and sleep so my whole day was spent without a screen or electronics. I didn't spend much time outside for that same reason, so instead my time in nature consists of my drive home and the rain lulling me slowly to sleep for a good nap today. I'm hoping to get outside more in order to enjoy the nature to it's fullest extent. The three things I wrote about being grateful for were my two extra hours of sleep I got this morning because I overslept before work and was late, but the sleep was much needed. The second thing was my boyfriend for always taking care of me when I'm feeling unwell, and third was the rain that smells, sounds, and feels so good. A bonus thing I'm grateful for is my nap. I'm sorry if this is really boring to read. Hope all of everyone's eco challenges are going well. 

  • Amber Lesly's avatar
    Amber Lesly 10/16/2016 8:31 PM
    I wrote in my journal about my gratitude and my experience in nature. Today I wrote down that I was grateful for my manager, my shelter, and my family. I am grateful for my manager because of his patience and kindness as well as his care for his employees. My shelter, my house, my home keeps me warm and protected from the wind and rain we just recently started receiving. I have much gratitude for my family because despite the fact that we don't always get along, they always take care of me and make sure I have what I need. I also wrote in my journal about the small walk my boyfriend and I took down the road to "Hubrich Farms" to buy some fresh vegetables. Not only were the vegetables beautiful but the air was nice and fresh. The leaves on the ground hold such beautiful color and are so vibrant. 

  • Amber Lesly's avatar
    Amber Lesly 10/15/2016 3:18 PM
    Did I mention that I absolutely LOVE to cook? Instead of screen time, I spent about an hour making breakfast for my family and I. My little brother is over this weekend so I have to make some good food, right? I made some french toast and sausage to go along with the apple butter I made yesterday. It actually clears the mind when you spend time away from the screens and more time having good food and conversation with those you love! 

  • Amber Lesly's avatar
    Amber Lesly 10/15/2016 3:07 PM
    Instead of screen time, I spent my thirty minutes cleaning the kitchen and making apple butter from fresh apples that my neighbor gave me from her yard. :)