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October 14 - October 28, 2016
Stephanie Redman's avatar

Stephanie Redman

Green Metro


  • 0 TODAY
  • 91 TOTAL

Stephanie's actions

Create Your Own Action

Take my own towel

My goal is to reduce energy consumption and reduce waste by using my own hand towel in the restrooms at work. I normally use the electric hand dryer and occasionally use a disposable paper towel, but I will take my own reusable cloth towel to dry my hands.


Participant Feed

Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • Stephanie Redman's avatar
    Stephanie Redman 10/26/2016 9:42 AM

    I am now consistently remembering to take my towel to the restroom to avoid paper towels and hand dryers. I carry it over my shoulder and hope that others might see the towel and start bringing their own. I've also told a couple people what I'm doing with it; they are supportive!

  • Stephanie Redman's avatar
    Stephanie Redman 10/26/2016 9:41 AM
    It took me about a week of wiping my hands on my clothes, but I finally remembered to start carrying my towel to the restroom today. Golly, habits are hard to break, even with good intentions!

  • Stephanie Redman's avatar
    Stephanie Redman 10/13/2016 10:25 AM
    My goal is to reduce energy consumption and reduce waste by using my own hand towel in the restrooms at work. I normally use the electric hand dryer and occasionally use a disposable paper towel, but I will take my own reusable cloth towel to dry my hands. 

    I brought my own towel to work today and I am ready to go. And I'll leave it here to use long after the EcoChallenge is complete!