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October 14 - October 28, 2016
Chauntel Vaillancourt's avatar

Chauntel Vaillancourt

Beaverton Greenies


  • 0 TODAY
  • 281 TOTAL

participant impact

  • UP TO
    spent outdoors
  • UP TO

Chauntel's actions


Volunteer in my Community

I will volunteer 4 hour(s) in my community.



Do Nature Activities

I will engage in nature-based activities with my kid(s) for 15 minute(s) each day. (This can be anything from going on a walk or hike, to noticing the leaves changing color, to reading a book with nature themes.)



Go Get a Check Up

I will make an appointment for my annual physical.


Create Your Own Action

Become an adoption assistant with a local non-profit

I've been volunteering with OFASA helping out with the dogs and cats. My goal has been to attend at least 1 adoption event, hopefully more, so I can assist where I can and of course be surrounded by animals! I have scheduled my event for 10/22.


Participant Feed

Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • Chauntel Vaillancourt's avatar
    Chauntel Vaillancourt 10/28/2016 11:45 PM
     It was a beautiful day so we spent time with the kids outside playing at the park and enjoying the weather.  This has been fun to do and although I'll continue with my activities, it does help make it more manageable when some aren't required every day.   

  • Chauntel Vaillancourt's avatar
    Chauntel Vaillancourt 10/28/2016 11:45 PM
     It was a beautiful day so we spent time with the kids outside playing at the park and enjoying the weather.  This has been fun to do and although I'll continue with my activities, it does help make it more manageable when some aren't required every day.   

  • Chauntel Vaillancourt's avatar
    Chauntel Vaillancourt 10/27/2016 8:40 PM
    Eggshell heads with succulents for hair.  Very fragile project😬  Kids wanted to take them to bed.  Lol

  • Chauntel Vaillancourt's avatar
    Chauntel Vaillancourt 10/27/2016 9:56 AM
    Here's a pic of the kids with their "leaf people". Lol.  I glued on the leaves and gems for buttons and let them decorate the body and eyes on the leaves.  

  • Chauntel Vaillancourt's avatar
    Chauntel Vaillancourt 10/27/2016 9:52 AM
    I got distracted and forgot to log my activity again last night.  I  did an activity with the kids using fall leaves and toilet paper rolls.  It's funny what excites them.  

  • Chauntel Vaillancourt's avatar
    Chauntel Vaillancourt 10/25/2016 4:11 AM
    My challenge the last few days is remembering to log actions on the day I did them. Well I remember, but then distractions get in my way and the next thing I know it's the next day. 😯  The boys &. I watched the prettiest double rainbow on the way home from work yesterday eve 10/24 plus the sunset-pretty orange hue in the clouds and on on the fence in my back yard but in just a few moments it was gone.   

  • Chauntel Vaillancourt's avatar
    Chauntel Vaillancourt 10/24/2016 10:40 AM
    I picked up some fruit and veggies from the store and we spent some time with the rabbits the kids have feeding them kale, raspberries and hay. 

  • Chauntel Vaillancourt's avatar
    Chauntel Vaillancourt 10/24/2016 10:37 AM
    We watched a documentary about strange events and animals including the largest catfish ever seen while we made food spiders, crabs and cat faces with Ritz crackers, peanut butter, pretzels and candy eyes.

  • Chauntel Vaillancourt's avatar
    Chauntel Vaillancourt 10/24/2016 10:32 AM
    The kids and I tried to watch the sunset Friday evening but it has been pretty cloudy so we didn't have much luck - spent time talking about it instead with conversation about how the leaves change color and fall from the trees.

  • Chauntel Vaillancourt's avatar
    Chauntel Vaillancourt 10/24/2016 10:29 AM
    I spent 4 hours at a local pet store assisting with the dog adoption. I walked dogs outside for air and potty breaks. Many were adopted Saturday which is great news!