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October 14 - October 28, 2016
Artemis Foods's avatar

Artemis Foods

Artemis Foods


  • 0 TODAY
  • 574

team impact

  • UP TO
    pounds of CO2
    have been saved
  • UP TO
    spent exercising
  • UP TO
    organic meals
  • UP TO
    gallons of water
    have been saved

Team Feed

Recent updates from this team
  • October 21 at 10:10 PM
    Busy weekend! Portland VegFest, Multco Library used book sale, Ralph Nader at Powell's, Portland EcoFilm Festival ... so much to do and so little time.
  • October 19 at 9:46 AM
    Difficult to remember to post while on vacation. But I am doing all of my challenges daily!
  • October 19 at 9:46 AM
    The challenge is not as easy to stay consistent with as I am on vacation. As I mentioned, I travrel with reusable cutlery, cups and plates to avoid producing waste. Yesterday we went to breakfast at a really popular spot and we knew there would be a line. They offer a big percolator of coffee out in front for everyone waiting in line. We had...
  • October 19 at 9:43 AM
    The challenge is to eat meals without distractions, so I can have snacks and drinks while watching the debate tonight. Yay!
  • October 16 at 12:56 PM
    Learning that reading while eating not only distracts from my meal, but from my reading. Beginning to more fully embrace the concept of doing one thing at a time. and paying full attention to it!
  • October 15 at 10:59 AM
    Powered down electronics last night and it was interesting to see how long I waited until I turned them on this morning. Nice to have a quiet Saturday morning. (Of course, I couldn't post until I turned devices back on!)
  • October 14 at 1:27 PM
    Great time for me to stop and really reflect on  how I conduct my day to day activities and how, by altering them slightly, can make an impact. Some things are so obvious, but others are a bit surprising. 
  • October 13 at 3:29 PM
    Just ate my lunch while reading the news ... for the last time ever? Starting tomorrow, no more distractions while eating! Maybe I can get a head start on the challenge with dinner tonight?
  • October 13 at 11:16 AM
    One thing I do when I travel or if I know I am going to be eating where they will give me plastic utensils, is I carry reusable utensils and bowl and bring reusable to go food containers with me. 
  • October 12 at 8:58 PM
    I started a business 16 years ago and knew that I would strive to be as eco friendly and eco responsible as possible. I am hoping my staff will make the time to do the same and be inspired by the Eco Challenge as I am! Go Team Artemis!

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