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October 14 - October 28, 2016
Jeanette LaRondelle's avatar

Jeanette LaRondelle

Green Team


  • 0 TODAY
  • 131 TOTAL

Jeanette's actions


Watch a Documentary

I will watch a documentary film about food with family and friends and talk about what we learned.



Support Pollution Reduction

I will learn about water and air quality issues in my area, how they are impacting human and environmental health, and how I can help.



Track my Purchases

I will maintain a record of all my purchases.


Participant Feed

Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • Jeanette LaRondelle's avatar
    Jeanette LaRondelle 10/26/2016 7:23 PM
    Did you know you can check out energy meters from the Lewiston City Library?  You plug it into the wall then plug in something like a cell phone charger or a lamp and it will tell you how much energy is being used when plugged in!

  • Jeanette LaRondelle's avatar
    Jeanette LaRondelle 10/26/2016 7:19 PM
    I traveled to the East Coast for my 20th reunion last weekend and packed a whole day of food with me for my trip.   I didn't buy anything on that travel day.  It was wonderful saving the extra money and not creating more waste on the travel day.  When drinks are served on the plane I often ask for the whole can of sparkling water and skip the plastic cup and ice.  I know some airlines recycle the cups now but there are SO many plastic cups being used once and throw away every day on plane rides- is this really necessary?!

  • Jeanette LaRondelle's avatar
    Jeanette LaRondelle 10/18/2016 11:07 PM
    Yesterday I paid $5 for tennis lessons on campus for my son.  Today I did not make any purchases!

  • Jeanette LaRondelle's avatar
    Jeanette LaRondelle 10/18/2016 11:06 PM
    Had an excellent time with Idaho Department of Environmental Quality employees discussing local water quality issues on Monday afternoon.

  • Jeanette LaRondelle's avatar
    Jeanette LaRondelle 10/11/2016 10:46 PM
    Jenni Light!  You can bring garden tools to the LC Learning Garden :)