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October 14 - October 28, 2016
Jennifer Nelson's avatar

Jennifer Nelson


"In the end, we will conserve only what we love. We will love only what we understand. We will understand only what we are taught. ~ Baba Dioum"


  • 0 TODAY
  • 336 TOTAL

participant impact

  • UP TO
    traveled by bus
  • UP TO
    pounds of CO2
    have been saved
  • UP TO
    spent exercising

Jennifer's actions


Use Public Transit

I will use public transit 10 mile(s) per day and avoid sending up to -2.58 lbs of CO2 into Earth's atmosphere.



Visit a Local Farm

I will visit a nearby farm to pick my own fruits and veggies.



Use Reusable Bags

I will not accept any disposable bags when making purchases.



Explore my Area

I will explore at least one new hiking trail or nature walk in my area.



Exercise Daily

I will exercise daily for 10 minute(s) per day for two weeks.


Participant Feed

Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • Jennifer Nelson's avatar
    Jennifer Nelson 10/27/2016 8:57 AM
    I've been doing a great job with my grocery bag challenge, but have fallen off a little on the exercise. Any advice?

  • Jennifer Nelson's avatar
    Jennifer Nelson 10/21/2016 8:58 AM
    Alright, this weekend will be the weekend to get my one timers done. We are going to Hood River on Sunday for the Fruit Loop, so I should easily be able to take a new hike on the way and do a u-pick! It's almost too easy. ;)

  • Jennifer Nelson's avatar
    Jennifer Nelson 10/17/2016 8:16 AM
    Had a busy weekend, so I logged all of my progress this morning. It was really validating to be able to day 'yes, I did it!'. 

  • Jennifer Nelson's avatar
    Jennifer Nelson 10/12/2016 2:20 PM
    Are. You. Ready?
    Looking forward to starting these challenges on... Friday?!! It's almost here! 
    I've got my Chico bags ready to roll. Now I need to pick out a new park to explore and a great farmstand to visit. Any suggestions?

  • Jennifer Nelson's avatar
    Jennifer Nelson 9/29/2016 11:06 AM
    Getting ready for EcoChallenge? You might consider using the Drive Less Challenge to springboard your EcoChallenge commitment. And, you can earn even more prizes!

    Drive Less Campaign, October 1-15

    Discover healthy, green travel options for work, school and play that can save you money and time, plus add some fun into your daily routine. Burn calories instead of gas by biking to work, or walking to the store. Divide the ride and the cost by carpooling or vanpooling. Take the bus and let someone else do the driving so you can listen to music, or read that page-turning thriller. Every trip counts for better health, happiness and livable communities! Plus, win weekly and grand prizes for logging your tips during the challenge at

    More info and registration at

  • Jennifer Nelson's avatar
    Jennifer Nelson 9/28/2016 5:17 PM
    Washington County Ecochallengers: Should we challenge another team? Multnomah County?

  • Jennifer Nelson's avatar
    Jennifer Nelson 9/21/2016 4:27 PM
    Washington County EcoChallengers - We're still number 9! Way to go!  Would you like to be #1???  Feel free to help us recruit more members. :)

    • Jennifer Nelson's avatar
      Jennifer Nelson 9/28/2016 5:14 PM
      Good for you! I hope you see the shower timers while you are there! At least you won't be getting anything THIS intense...

    • Felica Sah's avatar
      Felica Sah 9/28/2016 9:56 AM
      Hi, Jennifer - I am responding to your post to my feed from 9/26 regarding water conservation.  I appreciate your suggestions and I am actually going to pick up some low flow shower heads tonight after work.  My boyfriend suggested it this past weekend (great minds think alike).  And, I am also limiting my daily showers to 5 minutes or less (whenever possible) to help conserve water.  This is just a start!  Thanks again for your suggestions.  ~ Felica Sah

  • Jennifer Nelson's avatar
    Jennifer Nelson 9/09/2016 2:40 PM
    Wow, what an diverse set of challenges to choose from! It was fun to think of new ways to streamline what I do - hope I didn't over-commit. AND it was really great to pat myself on the back for all the great things I already do!