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October 14 - October 28, 2016

CCC Naturally Green Feed


Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • Paula Beck's avatar
    Paula Beck 10/28/2016 10:59 PM
    It was a beautiful Fall day in Portland, the perfect day to get outside to enjoy some fresh air and sunshine!

  • Heather Fender's avatar
    Heather Fender 10/28/2016 5:51 PM
    When your dog is up at 5:30 am, doesn't want to go to the bathroom but has a ton of go for a walk around the neighborhood...

  • Heather Fender's avatar
    Heather Fender 10/28/2016 5:46 PM
    Final day but keep the activities going!

  • JaKarra Sanders's avatar
    JaKarra Sanders 10/28/2016 2:51 PM
    I time my shower with music. Two songs usually ends up to be just around 5 minutes and it lets me know about where I am as far as time spent.

  • Sandra Kiplinger's avatar
    Sandra Kiplinger 10/28/2016 12:30 PM
    Of the 6 things I chose to work on, I was able to accomplish 4 of them most days. The other two were a little harder but I was able to accomplish them the majority of the time. I found that when you're out & about it's a little harder to avoid disposable items especially when traveling.

  • Sandra Kiplinger's avatar
    Sandra Kiplinger 10/28/2016 12:28 PM
    Last day - I plan to continue to work on the challenges I've chosen & try to incorporate some new things as I go.

  • Anita Bailey-Huff's avatar
    Anita Bailey-Huff 10/28/2016 9:08 AM
    I am excited I did it, and I was faithful to all my challenges!! this is wonderful, I am going to keep this up!

  • Frank Vanschoten's avatar
    Frank Vanschoten 10/28/2016 8:31 AM
    I turned the t-stat down by 2 degrees to save energy

  • Holli Walker's avatar
    Holli Walker 10/28/2016 8:28 AM
    This weekend I will not drive any where 1 day to reduce my footprint.

  • Sarah Tyler's avatar
    Sarah Tyler 10/28/2016 8:04 AM
    When I moved last weekend, I donated any of my unused household items (trips to Goodwill and St. Vincent de Paul) and I replaced my shower head with an energy saving one and I just noticed that I could get points for actions! Woohoo!!